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Brolo dei Longhi

Only from the deep knowledge of the territory and the vine can an important wine be born.
For the winegrower, Pinot Noir is always a great challenge, interpreting the right balance between the vine and the environment year by year can make it express its greatness.
For this reason we have identified in the “Brolo dei Longhi” vineyard, in Erbusco in the heart of Franciacorta, a 4000 square meter terrace, where only in the best years we select the grapes necessary for the creation of this wine.
A typical Pinot Noir with classic hints of cherry and wild berries, balanced spicy, with an enveloping taste and great persistence.

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GRAPES 100% Pinot noir

VINEYARDS The grapes come from the three terraces located in “Brolo dei Longhi”, in the heart of Erbusco. These grapes are selected to create “Nigotì d’Òr” only during the best years.

TRAINING SYSTEM Spurred Cordon, 5000 plants/ha 

HARVEST Manual with grape selection and transport in small boxes starting from the last week of September. 

WINEMAKING After de-stemming the grapes ferment in stainless steel tanks remaining in contact with the skins for a period of about 10-15 days; daily no-pump stirring promote a delicate extraction of colour and tannins. After racking, ageing takes place in oak barrels for two years. Bottled without filtering, it ages one more year in the wine cellar. 

ALCOHOL 13,5% 

DESCRIPTION Elegant, smooth and seductive wine. Intense ruby red color and complex aroma, spices and small berries stand out.